Dear Jerry,

I’m back, but not for long. I’m a senior! I’m sure you remember me, but for the new readers out there I guess I’ll introduce myself…well also because it was assigned.  My name is Mya and I’m a senior at One Room Learning. I have been going to One Room since day one. I grew up in Michigan but moved to Cape Coral about ten years ago. I love to ride and train horses, I have been doing that for about ten years as well. I also play basketball for the Lady Ambassadors, this will be my sixth season on the team and I’m excited to see what my last year is going to a be like. My favorite subject in school is probably science. My least favorite is math…I despise math. Although grammar can be right up there with math sometimes. My favorite foods are bacon, pizza, and spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A. I love chocolate peanut butter ice cream, with like the chunks of peanut butter… good. My favorite superhero is Batman, and hats also my nickname.

Well these are a few things about me, until next time!


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