hey jerry! I have a funny story to tell you and it involves me, my sister, and an awesome tv show called ” Doctor Who.”    so, I was watching these episodes of Doctor Who about two weeks ago. I am currently in season three and around this season is where weeping angels come in. in these episodes the angels stay still as long as you or another creature is looking at them. But once you look away they move. that’s why the in these few episodes The Doctor says, ” Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead.”  So, as I was watching these few episodes my sister could hear me asking myself ,” Why are they moving?! Why don’t you turn around?”  She came over and saw me watching this and decided to join me. as the episode went on we were both freaking out. I was freaking out in the sense of , ” Turn around before they kill you!”    and my sister was freaking out in the sense of ,” AAH! Why are they moving?! They shouldn’t be moving! Why don’t they look at them?!”

so, near the middle of the episode my ipad shuts down on me.  I stand up and go plug in my ipad so that we can continue watching the episode. when I come back my sister goes to her room.

Now, this is about the time when an older sibling takes advantage of the younger sibling. I felt like I had to do something to scare her even more. This is where it gets interesting.  we have a little scarecrow in the middle of the hallway in our house. SO, I decide to move the scarecrow as quickly and quietly as possible. Then, I walk into my mom’s room to go and ask her something. Literally, five minutes later all I hear is, ” AAAHHHH!!!!”  and my sister comes running in with a scared look on her face. acting as normal as possible I ask ,” what happened?”   she stats stuttering. “T-the… I-it ..it moved!”

“What are talking about?”

“The scarecrow moved!”     at this point I don’t know if she was just acting to go along with what I did( I think she was) or if she knew and was just actually scared but it was funny, to me , either way. My sister immediately grabs my arm and drags me over to the hallway and point to the scarecrow and shouts at me saying that it moved from the right side to the left side of the hallway. so, I respond with, “Stop being paranoid. Inanimate objects can’t move.”  then, she sort of pouts and walks away and I just start laughing so much. I decided to continue my form of scaring her by telling her that the angels were coming for her while she was sleeping.


Best Tolkien game ever?

Dear Jerry,

Yup, the geek is back. And once again, I have no idea what I’m doing… I guess I’ll just ramble on about something obscure that no one else will agree with me on. Because I don’t even care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So, I’m gonna tell you a little bit about my current favorite video game, Lord of the Rings Online.

Lord of the Rings Online is a free-to-play MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-play game) based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic trilogy. If you’re not familiar with what an MMORPG is, basically it’s an immersive role-playing game that only really nerdy people play…. (okay, that last part was a joke) Although Lord of the Rings Online isn’t quite as popular as other MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, it is an incredibly detailed and complex game. The depth to which the creators have gone into the making of quests, characters, and worlds is astounding, especially considering the fact that the developers do not own any rights the movies. Their only source material was the text of Tolkien’s writings and their own creative designs.

When you first jump into the game, you must create your character. There are 5 different playable races in the game; Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit, Beorning (skin-changer), and last but not least, Man. Every race has various traits that are unique to each. Then after you’ve chosen your desired race, then you must choose a class for your character. There are 9 class options; Guardian, Captain, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Burglar, Rune-Keeper, Warden, Hunter, and Champion. Choosing a class is very important because it determines what kind of armor, weapons, and specific abilities you can use in-game. One must choose wisely. Once that’s done, you are then transported into Middle Earth to begin an exciting adventure.

Now, I realize that role-playing games aren’t for everyone. A lot of people are quite intimidated by them, actually. But let me assure you, Lord of the Rings Online is one of the best online role-playing games out there. The amount of detail put into everything in the game truly makes you feel like you’re in Middle Earth. The game actually delves a lot deeper into Tolkien’s epic stories than the movies could, which is very commendable. In addition to excellent game-play and story-lines, Lord of the Rings Online has a fantastic community of players. The number of trolls/rude people in the community is much lower than a lot of other games like it. More often than not, players are eager to help each other out. Speaking of the multiplayer aspect, you should know that LOTRO is the type of game that requires players to interact with each other at one point or another (obviously). This can sometimes make it difficult to play if you’re more of an online introvert like I am… But, being a lone wolf only works for so long. Interacting with other players by joining Fellowships and such is the best way to get the most out of the game.

Well. I think I’ve rambled for too long about the awesomeness that is Lord of the Rings Online. Basically, if you have a really good gaming computer and you’re looking for an epic video game that will completely consume your life like a black hole…. I mean… take you on an epic adventure that will change your life for the better; then I would highly recommend checking out this amazing game.

— Hannah || Explorer of Middle Earth ||

There’s a place in my heart

Dear Jerry, 
I know you are familiar with the greatest state in the union, for you are a highly educated reptile. However, for the sake of our slightly more ignorant readers, I will clarify that I mean the big and beautiful state of Texas. Today I will be regaling you dear Jerry, with my most recent adventure to that great state. 
It started out just me and my parents; we spent the first few days in a small town outside of Fort Worth. We visited and reconnected with dear friends and my Dad spoke at chapel at Southwestern Seminary.  It was lots of hours in the car and a good bit of caffeine. Then we headed to the land of maroon and white, Aggieland, sometimes called by the less popular name of College Station. We picked up Sarah so she could join us for the end of the adventure. Our days there consisted of the taking in of every Aggie event possible, the eating of much bluebell and catfish, and skip-bo tournaments with the grandparents (and of course some shopping, which ended up with me bringing 4 new Aggie shirts home- WHOOPs). The biggest highlights for me would be meeting several members of both the girls and boys Aggie basketball teams, not to mention shooting around with them and getting pictorial proof. And then also going to my second Aggie football game, though it was my first one in Kyle field. The spirit was unbelievable. The only problem was that something was messed up with the score of the game. Hopefully they’ll get that worked out next time. 
There’s truly no place like Texas Jerry. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll write about it again, but for now it’s thanks and GIG’EM. 

– Hannah  

Israel Trip

Dear Jerry,
I just got back from Israel and it was amazing! We saw so many biblical sights that made the Bible feel so real. Obviously i knew the Bible was real before but it just strengthened my faith a lot, and it was amazing being able to see exactly where the Bible stories I’ve heard grown up were at.
We went to a bunch of places. I Jericho we saw where the walls fell down, in Coppernium we saw where Paul’s house was and Jesus’ wouldn’t have been far from there. We were able to walk on some of the exact stone that Jesus would have been walking on. The Garden of Gethsemane is another place we went and my dad read Jesus’ prayer where He would’ve actually prayed it, we all cried, it was amazing. That day we saw Golgotha, where many people believe, including myself, that Jesus was crucified and buried. We even walked inside the tomb! We saw where Hannah prayed before she had Samuel and the Holy of Holys, in Shiloh. Another cool thing was we got to swim in the Dead Sea, it was so much fun. I went to where I wouldn’t be able to touch and I was like  bobber, I couldn’t put my feet on the bottom. I also brought home a huge salt block that I picked up from the bottom.
For two nights we stayed at a hotel on the Sea of Galilee which was awesome because we got to swim in the water that Jesus calmed and walked on. We went to where they believe the Sermon on the Mount was preached, it was very cool. Close to that was where Jesus fed the 5,000.  A large area of grass by some mountains, it was pretty, and amazing to think that’s where it happened. The last day we saw where David beat Goliath, and we got some stone from the same brook that David got his from.
We stayed in Jerusalem for most of our stay and one night we took a walk to where Jesus was condemned. We were standing right where the people would’ve been yelling “crucify him crucify him!. It was very moving. My brothers and I got a picture next to where exactly Pilot would’ve stood, and where Jesus would’ve been standing.
Some scary things happened when we were there too. On night we went for a walk to find some dinner, and as we were walking down this alley my dad turned around and said “I don’t feel good about this turn around.”. As soon as we turned around seven police officers, guns drawn, were sprinting the direction we had just turned from. There was helicopters and dogs and lots of cops out that night. In the morning we found out that there was a stabbing, and we would’ve seen it happen but by the grace of God my dad had a feeling that we shouldn’t. There were multiple stabbings over the time we were there. One of the days we went to Dan we were a out 100 years from the Syrian border and we heard Russia Bombing Syria. It was pretty unnerving. One of the paces we were supposed to be going to was bombed so we didn’t go there thankfully.
The riots are getting worse there so I’m very happy we are home safely. It was an amazing trip but we won’t be going back anytime soon due to safety.
~Mya Marks

Banned books

Dear Jerry,
I know I told you a little bit about how I’ve become somewhat of a bookworm over the summer and I want to tell you a little more about it. In the beginning of the summer I went to a store called Sandman. I had never been there before but I would pass it almost every night on my way to Sunday night group. It’s about ten to fifteen minutes from my house. The day I got my driver’s license I was with my dad and we decided to stop thereon the way home from the DMV office. My dad had been there before and had told me there was a lot of books. The moment I walked through the door I was overwhelmed, they had so many books I could barely contain my excitement. As I walked through the store I looked around at all the cool stuff they had like their book arch that is made of over four thousand books. With all these books I couldn’t decide what sections to go to first. I found my way to the dystopia section because that’s one of my favorite genres. After looked through this section I decided to go find my dad. As I was walking to find my dad, a particular book case caught my eye. The sign said that the whole bookcase was full of banned books. I had heard of banned books before but that was before I knew what that actually meant. As I looked through the shelves I began to see that a lot of the books I knew. I hadn’t read them but they were classic books that used to be very popular. There was even some books that I had when I was a kid like where’s Waldo? After that point I decided that I was going to try and read as many classic books as possible, I wanted to be educated in the books that were written a long time ago and are still very popular today, they are part of the past and that’s important. It just so happens that most of the classic books are banned. So as I read more and more classics over the summer I found myself ending up in the banned book section more and more often. I couldn’t believe how many classics were banned. Over the summer I read as many classic banned books as I could. I had in my previous school years read the banned books Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, and The witch of Blackbird Pond. But I have also read over the summer to now The Scarlet Letter, To kill a Mockingbird, and, Fahrenheit 451. As I read these books I was very intrigued to find out why they were banned. For some of the books it was very apparent but others I had to dig deep to figure it out. Now I love reading banned books, although some of them are hard to read it is always worth it to finish the book even if I hate it. I’ve found that finishing some of the books gives me a new perspective then if I would have just quit the book because I didn’t like it. It helps me understand why the author wrote the book the way they did. Thanks for listening Jerry sincerely your pal. – Caroline

Crazy Volleyball Season

Derry Jerry,

So today Jerry I’m going to tell you about my crazy volleyball life right now. So I started getting back into volleyball shape in May, me and my sister would go hangout at the rec center and just mess around….because we where very bad after taking a year off. The Lady Ambassadors finally got together in August a month before games where going to start. Our first practice of the season was me and 5 other girls…. Almost half the team was out of town or hadn’t decided if they where going to play, so it was a little crazy trying to do practice. Weeks had gone by and at each practice a few more girls would show up…..but it was a lot of new girls who have never played before. So for me having played so long and being in love with volleyball it was a little awkward xD  Jumping up a few weeks Jerry, everyone finally came back from their vacations and we had so many girls show up we decided to form a JV and Varsity team. Things where going great, both teams where formed, getting ready to play games, about to order awesome new jerseys…..then some things went down hill from there. After one of our practices we got word that a few girls decided not to play and one girl had broken her ankle. Well that left us with still a varsity team, but no jv team. So instead of turning all the younger girls away we formed one big varsity team. Right now Jerry our team consist of 15 girls! Half of them 14 years of age and under so we have a very young team. The season isn’t going bad but we’ve played only three games, and its already October….the season started in September. We’ve have to reschedule sooooo many games due to either rain or refs not showing up. We’ve rescheduled so many games, these up coming weeks its going to be game after game with like no practices…..CRAZY, right Jerry!? I’m hoping I’ll make it. Well till next time Jerry, I’ll let you know how our team is doing,

See ya, your friend Amelia


Dear Jerry,

I finished an amazing book during the summer. It’s called Eragon its by Christopher Paolini when he wrote this book he was fifteen years old, Miss Sarah said he was homeschooled when he was writing it. Now Jerry some of the stuff in this book sounds pretty weird at first but you will start to love the book once you are reading it. some of the things that im telling you might be wrong about this book, its kind of hard to remember every detail but I’ll try my best.

There’s a boy named Eragon he’s a farm boy, he lives with his father and brother he goes out hunting and he finds a stone, a blue one he’s never seen anything like it, well at first he thought it was a stone. Eventually it turns into a dragon and he names it Saphira (that’s how he spells it in the book) And an Evil King finds out about her and he wants Saphira. evil people (I forgot the name) make Eragon and Saphira flee from their hometown and that’s where the adventure begins., Jerry I think I’ll leave you wanting to know what happens next, that’s all im going to give you because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, I would differently recommend this book, its a book in the Inheritance Series. theirs four books maybe five in the series, im reading the second book now its called Eldest and it still has me on the edge of my seat, I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did if you decide you want to read it, if you do let me know what you think I would love to hear what you have to say jerry until next time my little friend.


My Vacation.

Dear Jerry,

I haven’t talked with you in a couple of weeks, how is life going over there on Miss Sarah’s desk? Well I have been pretty good I am keeping up with school and I am not lacking on doing my homework like last year. I thought I would tell you why you did not see my siblings or myself at the first week of school. Well we went on vacation and we weren’t able to change the date we have been waiting a whole year for this cruise ship we went on. The vacation was nice, relaxing and seemed not to last long. The ship had all kinds of stuff to do like water slides, trivia games, play basketball on the court. My family actually went on the cruise with some friends so we kept each other company. I tried all kinds of new foods like frog legs, ox tongue, rabbit, lamb, and lobster. Now Jerry, I am about to tell you something that sounds totally crazy but it really did happen. A guy jumped over board on the second day, yes I know why in the world would he do this?!? Well unfortunately he had to much to drink, the cruise director took his cruise ship card and put a block on it so he couldn’t buy any more drinks, they also did this to his wife’s card too. After that happened he was angry and later during that day people were actually still buying him drinks so he wasn’t able to sober up. He went on the highest floor and jumped off with a life ring. We had to turn the boat around and thankfully he was alright. I just want to say when they build cruise ships they make the sides extremely tall so you wouldn’t be able to fall over even if you were leaning over the side. Now with all that being said it was a very interesting cruise and extremely fun! But on the 5th day of the 6th I was ready to go home. Well Jerry this is my letter to you on why you did not see me on the first week of school.


[error: clever title not found]

Well, Jerry. Summer is gone, school has started, and the sweet smell of stress and sleep-deprivation is in the air. So, how’s life been for you, my undead friend? I have come to the conclusion that we don’t really know each other well enough for me to call you a friend yet. But I intend to change that by telling you a little bit about myself.

Soooo, I’m the other Hannah – totally functional and more or less sane. I was born in Florida and lived there for the majority of my life. However, my family decided to move to Northern Virginia a while back and we’ve been living here for almost 5 years now. In the beginning I thought moving to another state would end up being the worst thing ever, but now I have grown to love Virginia even more than my sunny home state. There’s no place I would rather be than here.

Now that we’ve established the already well-known subject of where I live, here are a few random facts about me. I am a junior in high school this year and I have a passion for the sciences, especially anatomy and physiology. And my most hated subject would probably be either math or writing, because reasons. My native language is sarcasm. However, I am quite fluent in movie quotes and song lyrics…. because I’m super original. Obviously. I’m also a crime-fighting vigilante. Just don’t tell anyone or I might have to eliminate you…. Sorry, Jerry.
But when I’m not out doing all that awesome vigilante stuff, you’ll probably find me in my room on my laptop…. you know, being a geek and whatnot. As you already know, I am all about that fandom life. I am into anything from movies like Star Wars and The Avengers; to TV shows like Daredevil, Supernatural, and Sherlock; to books like The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Harry Potter series. My life is basically fandoms all day, every day. Well…. okay, not exactly but pretty much. I’m so deep into this whole fandom culture thing, that I have gotten all of my friends into at least one of my TV shows or movies. I enjoy watching them spiral into insanity as their lives get completely destroyed by these shows. It’s very amusing. (hehe)

Well, that concludes my blog entry for today, Jerry. I hope you found this at least mildly entertaining to read. Although, I still don’t know how you could read this since you don’t exactly have eyes….

Live long and prosper,
– Hannah M.

|| Song of the Day: “Carry on Wayward Son” – Kansas ||